Food Allergy Awareness Week Proclamations
Since 2002 Minnesota Governors have recognized Food Allergy Awareness Week. Each year AFAA has requested a gubernatorial proclamation, which have been issued each year by Governors Jesse Ventura (Independent), Tim Pawlenty (Republican), and Mark Dayton (Democrat).
The language of the Minnesota proclamation adheres to the Minnesota Governor's office proclamation rules, plus is specific to Minnesota in its statistics and its language from the Minnesota FDA Food Code Rule Revision Committee. Residents from other states are welcome to use our template and adapt it for their own state's use.
The Minnesota Food Allergy Awareness Week Proclamation has been read by the Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Mae Schunk in the Minnesota Capitol Rotunda in 2002, and by Speaker of the Minnesota House of Representatives Steve Sviggum in 2004, and by AFAA Co-Founder Jeff Schaefer on the field in the Metrodome before a Twins peanut-controlled game in 2007.
The proclamation can be viewed in certain venues if given permission by the Governor's office: if you are interested in displaying the proclamation, please contact AFAA in April to inquire about obtaining permission and scheduling a viewing or photo opportunity.
Food Allergy Awareness Week Proclamation
WHEREAS: According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies are greatly increasing in number and severity, and hospitalizations due to severe reactions are increasing; and
WHEREAS: Food allergy reactions may include hives, tingling or itchy sensation in the mouth, swelling of the throat, face, tongue, or lips, gastrointestinal symptoms, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, and even death; and
WHEREAS: Epinephrine - a drug comparable to the adrenaline produced by the body - is the only medication that can counteract the symptoms of severe allergic reactions -called anaphylaxis -if given promptly; and
WHEREAS: More than 200,000 Minnesotans have food allergies, and the number of Minnesota elementary school students affected by food allergies has nearly doubled, to more than 60,000; and
WHEREAS: At least 170 foods have been cited in medical literature to have caused anaphylaxis; and
WHEREAS: Ninety percent of all food allergy reactions in the United States are caused by eight major allergens: milk, egg, fish (freshwater or saltwater finfish such as, but not limited to bass, cod, flounder, or tuna), crustacean shellfish (such as, but not limited crab, lobster, or shrimp), tree nuts (such as, but not limited to almond, filbert/hazelnuts, lychee/lichee, pecans, or walnuts), wheat, peanuts, and soybeans; and
WHEREAS: Managing food allergies is a challenge for cafeterias, restaurants, schools, and individuals;
Now, THEREFORE, I, governor of Minnesota, do hereby proclaim FOOD ALLERGY AWARENESS WEEK in the State of Minnesota.