School Accommodations

The information on this page is intended to help schools and parents understand their rights and responsibilities for severely food allergic students. 

For Educational & Awareness

Food Allergy Facts flier, Classroom Safety flier, Kitchen Poster;

For Parents & Schools Creating 504 Plans or Individualized Heath Plans

The 504/IHP Discussion Document walks all parties through all areas of what needs to be considered in creating accommodation plans.

Epinephrine in Schools

Below are links to Minnesota Statutes relating to epinephrine in schools.  State law requires that epinephrine be immediately accessible to allergic students at all times during the school day (it cannot be locked up, in another building, or at a distance within a building).  Schools may choose different methods of implementing this policy, such as having a student carry their own prescription, having teachers carry the student's epinephrine, or having epinephrine located throughout the school building (classrooms, cafeteria, etc.).

In addition to immediate accessibility at all times, a 504 or IHP must be created for the student, and those responsible for the student (i.e. teachers and aides) must be trained to recognize and treat an allergic reaction.

Stock Epinephrine in Schools

Minnesota Schools may also stock non-patient specific epinephrine.  While voluntary, it is highly recommended given that 25% of anaphylaxis reactions in schools are first-time occurrences (that is, in students who have not previously reacted nor been diagnosed with an allergy).  Other situations have arisen where stock epinephrine was necessary, such as a student needing more than one dose of epinephrine to reverse a reaction (but having only one autoinjector), and incorrect initial administration of epinephrine.

The Minnesota Board of Pharmacy allows stock epinephrine to be purchased from wholesale pharmacies and to be obtained from free programs offered by manufacturers.